Wrapping up another fun week of new knowledge! This week we took a look at Prezi. I had used Prezi before and HATED it. I now chalk that up to not reading the directions on how to use the tool (aka. user error). After viewing the short video tutorials, I set right to work and created my own Prezi for my top 6 photos from my picture-a-day assignment. Once I saw how to create the path, I was sold on this new tool for my toolbelt.
The Zen reading and video was great advice, as usual. Focusing on the Delivery Stage, I need to be fully engaged in my presentations in order to connect with the audience. One of the best pieces of advice from this segment was to "leave the audience hungry for more." Do not go over your allotted time, use humor to connect and view every presentation as a performance.
The DigiTales chapter this week was about technical world of digital media. Great website resources were shared (they've been added to my ever growing resources list), discussion of the vocabulary used (i.e. dpi, jpeg, tiff, wav, etc.) and some tips on how to search the web for images and sound (i.e. Cow + sound or Cow + jpg). It is impossible to know every piece of technology that is out there, so you just need to focus on what your need is and find available resources to help you meet that need. I embrace the philosophy of "learn as you go" when it comes to technology. It is also great to learn with a group of friends, as you can help each other along the way!
In our groups we tried Face Flow this week. For our group it was not very successful. The audio quality was poor and someone was always getting 'dropped' from the group discussion. I am looking forward to hear what other groups thought of this online tool.
After much thought about the Pecha Kucha, I finally settled on my topic. I struggled with how to lay it out initially, but once I got going on filling in the storyboard template, it started falling into place. I still have some fine tuning to do on this, but it is finally coming along. I like the approach of writing down (pen & paper) what type of image I want, before I start looking. This will keep the presentation focused on my message I wish to convey. It will be fun putting it together in the coming week(s).
Off to take some pictures. We got a tiny bit of rain this morning and the wildlife is on the move this morning. The squirrel has visited the bird feeder several times, as well as the chipmunks and the little rabbit. The birds are also enjoying the birdbath and feeder, along with their friends!