Well, I have been thrown in without warning to being a video editor! The naive me thought that I would just record the kids at school singing their Chanukah songs using my ipad, send it to the computer and ta-da it would just work beautifully on the PC to show to parents! Needless to say, it did NOT work that way at all!
First off, the MOV file extension is the Apple version, which words great in Apple's Quicktime Player, but will not load to Windows Movie Maker for editing. Therefore, I had to find and download a converter program (I found an article on eHow that directed me to the FormatFactory tool) that would convert MOV to MPG, which again did not load to Movie Maker, even though it is an acceptable format (not sure why this did not work). So, I reconverted all the videos from MOV to AVI and some of them loaded to Movie Maker, but not all. Again, I am at a loss as to what was wrong. But onward I must move!
Then, of course, I had to figure out how to edit the video clips in Movie Maker to cut some parts out, as well as to concatonate all the good footage together. The goal is to rip the final product to a DVD, so that the teachers can play these videos on an endless loop in their classrooms during our Chanukah Around the World evening.
So, lots more work to do, but I really hope that the final product looks and sounds good for the parents. The kids worked really hard on their songs! Now, I just have to hope the teacher's computers will have the needed video player and bandwidth to play the videos!!!!