Saturday, December 13, 2014

Hour of Code

We did the Hour of Code in library class and the kids loved it. There were enough computers for the kids to work in pairs, which worked well. The students had to ask 3 before me for help. For the most part, they figured it out by themselves.  

This was a great activity to challenge kids to try something new. Most kids have access to some sort of computer or mobile device and many are gamers, so this was a great connection. They have s new way of looking at the games they play!



Sunday, November 30, 2014

Padlet is so versatile

I love the premade layout for a To Do List on Padlet, but even more exciting is the fact that you can upload your own backgrounds.  Find or create a graphic organizer and load it to padlet as your wallpaper for use with your students.  Use the freeform layout so that students can select where to place their response on the graphic organizer wall.

Here is a wall for pre-planning for our collaborative stories!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

November Newsletter

I created the image with PicCollage (my favorite app) and then loaded to Thinglink (one of my favorite websites) to add links to our library webpage. This will be shared with parents and staff to keep them informed about what's happening in the Parkway Library!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Student Book Recommendations

Well, I'm finally doing it! The 3rd graders will get a chance to show their creative stuff by creating their book recommendations with video or audio.  For the camera shy, we'll use the Vocaroo website to record the book recommendations, generate a QR code and share. For the outgoing students, there will be some picture and video options available.

Students identified a book they wished to recommend, wrote their ideas on a graphic organizer, then had it peer reviewed by their computer partner.  Armed with their partners feedback, students will make the necessary edits and practice.  The final step will to create the book recommendations and share them.  

I hope to put some of the more polished ones on the library website as examples of the creativity in 3rd grade.  Throughout the year, students will have the opportunity to work on additional reviews and improve on their writing and public speaking skills.

Fingers crossed that the wifi works! I look forward to the wild and craziness of 3rd graders in front of the camera lens!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Grade 2 - Fiction Side of the Library

I created several stations for students to get more time practicing their alphabetical order skills.  The kids had fun and exercised their ABC brains!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Kahoot fun

I was recently introduced to Kahoot during a professional development session.  It was a great engagement strategy. We knew we needed to pay attention to the Educator Effectiveness overview so we can keep our jobs, but more importantly because there were prizes at stake!

But seriously, it was fun and created some friendly competition. I used this engagement strategy with my third graders. I created a Kahoot to pre-assess their knowledge of the library resources and how they are organized. No prizes, but lots of fun and engagement. It was a win-win. The kids had fun taking a "quiz"/assessment and I received valuable data for the student learning objective (SLO). Kahoot allows you to download the student data into an excel spreadsheet.

We used both desktop computers and iPads.  Each student had his or her own device. I have also introduced our second graders to Kahoot. I tried with group of 4 and in pairs. The pairs worked better, especially with the iPads. Having 4 kids take turns with the iPad was just asking too much.  I will definitely be doing more Kahoots with the students!


Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Day 28 - Relax and Reconnect with Nature

Sitting in the eagle's nest chair.  Comfy and a great view!

Day 25 - Grateful

Doing good by donating platelets to a matched patient.

Day 26 & 27 - End of Summer Fun

Fun with good friends in Northern Wisconsin.  The leaves are starting to change and the temp is in the 70's.  Beautiful weekend.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Monday, September 22, 2014

Day 22 - Outdoors

Look what the hubby built me!  A nice entryway to the serenity of the backyard.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Day 18 - Something New

Selfies! I tried a few when in NYC, but I need practice. My friend Meg says Kim Kardasian's tip is to hold camera up and shoot ur selfie slightly downward angle to eliminate double chin. It also helps to have person with longest arm shoot the multi-person selfie ;)
Selfie while out hiking with the hubby. This is also categorized as new, since we are seldom in the pic together!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Day 17 - Memories


Day 16 - Animals

We met some new friends at Oktoberfest and they bought a pigs head (I'm not sure why), even though one was a vegetarian!!!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Day 15 - Technology

We got Libguides this year.....working on getting the library web page setup!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Day 14 - Movement

The wind in her hair.....always fun riding in the convertible!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Day 11 - Something Old

An oldie but a goodie!
Always fun to create and share at the holidays.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Day 10 - Nature

We took in some nature on Sunday hiking and drove along the beautiful and fun Kettle Moraine Scenic Drive.

Day 9 - Inspiring Person

My daughter! She is following her dreams.

Day 8 - Favorite Color

My fav color is the many shades of Sky blue....
Times Square, NYC

The Bean, Chicago, IL

Freedom Flag, Sheboygan, WI

Panoramic view from atop Parnell Tower, SE Wisconsin.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Friday, September 5, 2014

Day 5 - Morning sky

I got nothing! I'm not up at sunrise, but here is the late morning sky over Lambeau Field.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Day 4 - Leaves

Looking up from my comfy hammock, enjoying a book.  Oh, look, a squirrel's nest.  New neighbors!

Day 3 - Happiness

Happiness is 16 + years of camping with your family!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Day 2 - Smile

Here is my son's smiling while talking peeps with his peeps (Grandma, Grandpa and aunties). Oh, and he was celebrating his graduation & bday!

Monday, September 1, 2014

A photo-a-day challenge

Back in grad school I took a technology class that had a semester long challenge of taking a photo each day and posting it and a brief description about it.  The goal was to get us to look around and see our world.  We were challenged to look at the "ordinary" in a different way; to see beauty in small, everyday things.  A friend posted a Pinterest slide on Facebook and challenged others to "play along."

This challenge is a little different and provides you a topic each day.  So, here I go....

1. My favorite food - I love pizza! Add veggies and I am set! This is a slice from a small pizza joint in Soho. It had a crispy crust, rich tomato flavor and yummy basil.  And, best of all, enjoyed with good friends!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Thursday, July 31, 2014

New vocabulary idea!

I was at the zoo taking some pictures of my favorite animals when a new idea hit me. I was reading about some of the birds in the exhibits and found some great vocabulary words. 

Now I need to create an activity for students to 'capture' new and interesting vocabulary words from their environment!

Definitions obtained from Merriam-Webster online dictionary.