Monday, January 27, 2014

My 40

One of the third grade teachers recently read Donalyn Miller's "The Book Whisperer" and was inspired to challenge her students to read 40 books this school year.  I love this book and all the ideas and inspiration it provides, so I couldn't help but jump on board!

Students are not only challenged to expand their reading amount, but also their choices. Students record their books in their Reading Journals. They record title, author, genre and a 5-star rating. I am tracking my 40 reads with my LibraryThing account.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Bring on the Olympics!

We can't wait to start the medal count and see some fabulous athletes  competing in some snow and ice events!

Our library has a web page of interesting links related to the Winter Olympics. Check it out, learn something new and have some fun!!!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Cold Day -- Monday Off

What to do with my day off due to the extreme cold......?

Research some lesson ideas for January
Enjoy a book made into a movie (The Hobbit)
Assemble some gift bags for the teachers (encourage them to visit and use the library)
Drop everything and read!