Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Lovin' the conference ideas

I attended the WEMTA conference in Wisconsin Dells in March.  I just LOVE learning and playing!  I came away with some good advice on going 1:1.  This will be helpful as our district is beginning this process!  Also, was reminded of some great apps to try, as well as some good, hands-on, engaging projects to do with my students.  My library schedule will be changing next year, and I will have more time and opportunity to expand some projects with the kiddos.  I can't wait to implement some of the Maker Spaces ideas.....yes, I get to rearrange the space in the library & one of the computer labs to create more flexible, engaging, playful, makeful spaces!!!

Just a couple of fun things:

  1. StopMotion --> already created my own short book intro and will have students pair up and work on their own!  
  1. Www.awwapp.com --> can't wait to create some collaborative story pictures!
  2. Croakit! --> This is one I'd learned about at a past webinar, but see lots of potential for this with the younger students.
  3. Animoto --> I used this a lot in the past, but need to dust it off and try some fresh work with students.
  4. StoryboardThat and www.photosforclass.com --> always looking for school-appropriate, rights-cleared pictures for students to use.  Sat through a webinar on StoryboardThat, dabbled with it during summer school classes, now need to see how to incorporate this comic tool in an activity.
  5. Lego Storystarters - this was a very fun session and it has sooooo many possibilities.  I suspect this will be my first maker space and I can't wait to start!

(made with my fav app:  PicCollage)

Monday, March 16, 2015

Checking out the Golden Archer Nominees

I created Thinglinks for the primary and intermediate Golden Archer nominees and set the kids loose to investigate.  Add iPads and a reading rug and they got comfy while they read.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

March Madness --- Teacher Survival Kits

March can be tough! Cold weather and wind chills keep students indoors for recess and Spring Break is ages away.  

I wanted to remind teachers about the great resources available through the library AND give them a reason to smile!

March Madness - Survival Kit
Getting ready to deliver!
Lots of goodies!