Sunday, January 17, 2016

PD - Share the LOVE ❤️

For Valentine's Day, I am asking staff to share a favorite resource, tool, app, idea, book, etc. and tell us why.  I hope to generate some collaboration on new ways to use some great resources!


Sunday, January 10, 2016

My new toy Dash

Looking forward to working with my students to program Dash and see what he can do!  Going to be offering an after school club to experiment and create with technology!  More pictures and creations to be shared....

Monday, January 4, 2016

What a fun and engaging way to get kids writing.  My third graders are starting with Nouns to kick off their 2016 writing.  We are also learning how to create a google Drive folder for storing our stories and a Google doc for the stories. Now, to find the best way for sharing them!