Thursday, November 22, 2012

I am thankful for...

... All the great stories and resources available to me!  This includes my family, all the wonderful people in my PLN, the many fun and helpful web 2.0 tools and the oodles of great reads out there!

We had a pre-Thanksgiving gathering last night it was wonderful to discuss all sorts of topics with four generations of my family:  great-Nana and Papa-John, Grannie, myself and my husband and our two children.  It was great to have intelligent conversations, from a variety of viewpoints.  And one of the best parts is, we get to continue the conversation tonight over turkey and a post-dinner game of dominoes!

Of course, I'll be taking pictures and videos of all the happenings this holiday.  I love using Animoto and Photostory to create videos to share our Thanksgiving memories and Shutterfly to create beautiful photo arrangements and photo books.  My iPad is the easiest way to capture photos and video.  I love that I can email photo and videos right away, without having to convert anything or download them.  I can instantly share with family members who couldn't make it in person.

Through Twitter I've gathered lots of great teaching ideas for Thanksgiving.  I was able to use some this year with my students and have saved some for next year.  Those that I follow are always sharing great websites, apps and tools.  It's one of the first places I check for new ideas.  Now, to keep up with my goal this year of compiling and organizing these resources, so I can easily find them when I need them!  I've created a Weebly site (very, very easy to use) to help with

Finally, I needed something good to read during these couple of days off of work, so I turned to a cool website I found for a little help. is setup along a timeline and helps you find post-Civil War historical fiction.  A second website I use for finding historical fiction is  You can tailor your search to find just the right time period, character ethnicity and more.  Take a look and find your next great read.

So, I am very thankful for many things.  I am off to relax with a warm cup of coffee and a good book. A little quiet time before the Thanksgiving meal and talk-fest!

Happy Thanksgiving!

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