Monday, March 24, 2014

Post-Conference High

Just got back home from the WEMTA conference in Wisconsin Dells and I am stoked to try some new things and share tools that I learned about!  And, the keynote speaker was inspiring and made us all want to bring JOY into our classrooms.

5 things I want to do:
1) create a QR station in the library (or two)
2) create a how-to sheet for generating QR codes
3) share animal info with 2nd graders on Britannica
4) share Wisconsin Media Lab resources with teachers
5) investigate PebbleGO (30 day trial) with teachers

My hope is that by writing these things down for all to see, I will be compelled to see them through to completion.  All these things will bring joy and fun and authentic learning to the classroom!

A little QR code fun with  Try it today! 

Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy St. Patrick Day!

If only it were green outside, instead of brown and dirty white. 

I'm trying to kick this cold of mine and really trying to think Spring!  What better way to liven things up and get the giggles flowing than to read a book written and illustrated by David Shannon!?!?

Mr. Shannon is one of my personal favorites and a go to author when I need a sure thing with the kids.  We have a short two week window before the book fair takes center stage, so I am filling it with "No, David!" and "Duck on a Bike."  There is nothing better to lift your I-am-so-tired-of-this-cold-will-winter-ever-end attitude than kindergartners' laughing at the sight of young David streaking down the street!  If that doesn't make you crack a smile, I don't know what will.  The K5 students are also creating their own "Yes!" book, by illustrating the things they do in the library that would result in me exclaiming, "Yes, Sophia!"

Saturday, March 1, 2014

March Madness

Going crazy with the cold weather?  Had enough of indoor recess?  Ready to curl up into a ball and call "uncle?"


I was feeling comfortable in my new library. I felt like I was hitting a groove. I was learning my students, beginning to collaborate with the teaching staff and finding my way around the school's processes and procedures.


March madness has set in, with the ongoing bitter cold, the continued snow and the winter days.  How many days until Spring?  I think we have all been affected by the gruel of winter and it's unending chill!

So, I am refocusing.  I am reflecting on how to improve my own mood, so that I can lift the little ones' moods as well.  A little too much togetherness with indoor recess and subzero weather keeping us indoors at home = cranky adults + unruly/rambunctious kids.

Paste on a smile! Say the mantra "I will find a reason to laugh today" and be a positive Pauline to get everyone else on the happy side!