Saturday, July 21, 2012

Reflection - week 5

This week we completed our Pecha Kuchas. I had difficulties getting started, but once I started the storyboard, it got easier. Doing the planning up front made the actual recording of my audio extremely easy. The biggest problem was trimming what I wanted to say to stay within the 20 seconds per slide. I used Photostory as the tool to create my Pecha Kuchas. The tool must be downloaded to your PC, then you simply load your images, record your audio and add music, if desired. I can't wait to watch my classmates' stories. The Pecha Kuchas format is great. It keeps you focused on your message. It helps meet the zen principles we discussed: keeps it simple, focused on my audience. I think this would be a good format to use with students. Another focus during this week was rubrics. If we share the rubrics with our students, we let them know what makes a good project and focus them on the correct things. There are many great tools available online to create rubrics. The thing I need to work on, is continuing to collect all these great resources into a single location and keep it organized so that I can find them when I need them!

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed watching your Pecha Kucha. It was nice to have the music continously playing in the background from one slide to the next. I can tell that you kept your audience in mind when creating your Pecha Kucha. It is a slideshow that can easily be used from one year to the next without much updating necessary.
    Nice preparation and work!
